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Daniel Berquist, DDSJoseph Ornelas, DDS

How To Handle A Broken Tooth from You Dentist in 46350

July 17, 2017

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See your dentist in 46350 in case of a broken tooth. Considering the job that teeth perform day-in and day-out, they really are remarkably strong. However, this does not mean that they are impervious to damage, including fractures and breaks. When this happens, you need dental care from your dentist in 46350. Read on to learn more about what Dr. Daniel Berquist or Dr. Joseph Ornelas recommend you do in case of a broken or cracked tooth as well as the treatments they offer.

How Does a Tooth Break or Crack?

Teeth can break or fracture (crack) when you bite down on something hard, sustain a hard blow to the face or mouth, fall down, have an untreated cavity or have an old amalgam filling that no longer supports the tooth. A small chip or break may not hurt. You may only notice because your tongue feels the sharp edge. However, if a large piece of tooth breaks off, this can be painful; nerve ending in the tooth’s dentin layer that are exposed to air or hot and cold foods and drinks may be sensitive. If the break or fracture is deep, then the tooth’s actual nerve may be exposed, too.

What Should You Do for a Cracked Tooth?

There’s really nothing you can do at home to treat a cracked tooth. You must see your La Porte dentist. A cracked tooth often looks just fine, but it may cause a tinge of pain when you bite down and release the bite.

What Should You Do for a Broken Tooth?

A broken tooth is a dental emergency and should be examined as soon as possible by your “dentist near me.” If the nerve is exposed, then the tooth may need a root canal before repair. Until you can see the dentist, the following steps are recommended:

  • Rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • If there is bleeding, apply pressure with a clean gauze pad or tea bag. Bleeding should subside within 10 minutes.
  • You can reduce swelling and pain with a cold compress on your cheek or lips.
  • Ibuprofen or acetaminophen can also be used for pain.
  • Dental cement can help protect the tooth until we can see you at Region Dental Care.

What Will the Dentist Do for My Cracked or Broken Tooth?

The type of treatment you will need depends on the type of damage the tooth has sustained. A cracked tooth often requires a dental crown to prevent the crack from going deeper. If the nerve is damaged, then a root canal may also be necessary.

A small chip may not require any treatment. However, if the chip is noticeable, then direct bonding can rebuild this small portion of tooth structure.

Serious breaks are usually painful and require immediate care. Dr. Berquist or Dr. Ornelas will usually perform a root canal and then place a dental crown to restore your tooth’s form and function.

In Case of a Damaged Tooth, Contact Our Office Immediately

Don’t wait until a cracked or broken tooth becomes painful to seek treatment. Call Region Dental right way for an appointment.

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